Friday, February 10, 2012

Semester #2

So nothing has really happened since I last wrote. I'm mostly writing this because I'm supposed to be studying for a test, and I'm trying to procrastinate it. Here's some awesome news: my brother got engaged!! For those of you that don't know, her name is Sabrina Bradshaw, and my family loves her.  My parents say that she is very kind and thoughtful, and they are excited to get to know her more.  I'm excited because she's really cool, and I really like her with Brandon.  They are getting married on May 8th in Mesa, Arizona, and I can't wait!

Nick and I just recently had our 6 month anniversary!  After class, we went out to eat at Applebees (love that place)!  Then, we bought Despicable Me and took it home to watch it.  It is one of my favorite movies, and I loved watching it again with him.  We took pictures, but I don't have my camera with me.  I'll have to put them up later.

This whole semester has been pretty chill, but this week has been super crazy.  I'm only taking one class this semester to recover from having mono, and I have the first test tomorrow so I have been studying a little every day.  I don't think it will be too bad, but it's a lot of physics, which I didn't expect.  Nick and I also started doing P90X on Monday.  The past few weeks I have been feeling a ton better.  I started doing yoga every morning with my cousin, Jessica.  It kinda pushed me back a little bit since exercise is one of the things that triggers mono.  In the long run it is good for it, though, so I kept doing it.  I started feeling better last weekend, and I decided I wanted to start doing something more rigorous so I'm doing P90X with Nick.  I usually end up only doing like 15 minutes of it because I feel so weak after that, but it hasn't made me feel any worse so I think it's ok!  As long as I remember to eat every couple hours, I feel amazing!  It's so crazy how being sick for a few months completely changes everything.  I thought I had gotten used to being sick and that it didn't bother me too much anymore.  Now that I am actually starting to feel more normal, it's like I'm a completely different person.  I'm so happy all the time like I used to be, I want to be active all day and visit everyone I know, and I feel so free!  I feel like I can do anything I've ever wanted to do! Let's hope it stays that way for a long time!

Another thing that happened this week was I found out one of my best friends from high school is getting married in Orland, Florida in November!  Nick and I are probably going to fly out there for the wedding, which I am really excited about, but we are also going on a cruise to the Bahamas!  We found super cheap tickets online, and we are going to use it kind of as a second honeymoon, even though its a couple months past our 1 year anniversary.  It's basically all I can think about this week, and I wish it was sooner than November!

We also started looking at grad schools for Nick.  He doesn't get his BA for another two years, but it was nice to get an idea of where we could be then.  We still have a lot of researching to do, but we are thinking that he will stay here at BYU to get his MA and then we will move to Cheyenne, Illinois so he can get his PhD.  He might get both his MA and PhD in Illinois, though, or he might go somewhere completely different!  He is really liking the looks of the program there right now so that is our first choice so far.  It's weird to think that we could be leaving Provo soon.  I always knew that day would come, but I never believed that it really would, haha.  I have no idea where we will end up after he graduates, though, so your guess is as good as mine!

I feel bad not having any recent pictures, but here's one of us walking home from school one day

I should probably start studying now so I hope you enjoyed this little update!