Friday, April 26, 2013

New Update!

Ok so my health has kind of been up and down the past two months.  One major thing is I think I may also have Fibromyalgia.  Firbromyalgia and CFIDS often go together. I have talked to my doctor a lot about it.  This is what she said:  There is a little muscle and joint pain that comes with CFIDS, but if it is overwhelming or you are noticing that the pain is worse than the fatigue, then you probably have Fibromyalgia.  I actually didn't have any pain until this January.  It was only a little, and it didn't last very long.  It has gradually gotten worse to the point that now if I even touch specific parts of my body, it feels like it is bruised.  It's kind of like how with CFIDS if I do any mental or physical work, I get really sick.  Well, with Fibromyalgia, if I do any physical work, every muscle and joint in my body aches really bad.  Like to the point that I want to cry.  So I'm thinking it may be Fibromyalgia :(  Another way to explain it is if I go to scratch an itch anywhere on my body, after I scratch it, it hurts so bad.  Kind of like when you stub your toe on something and you can't breathe for 10 seconds while you wait for the pain to go away.  That's how it feels.  It's not fun.  I will keep you updated on that.

Another major thing is that two months ago my vitamin D levels were really low.  Average levels are 25-80, and mine was only at about 7.  I was on a prescription dosage of vitamin D for two months, but when I went in to check my levels again, they hadn't changed at all.  Not sure what that means exactly, but obviously my body isn't absorbing the supplements.  So now I'm going to eat a lot of tuna and take at least a teaspoon of cod liver oil every day and spend a lot of time out in the sun.  Hopefully that will help a lot.  I'll let you know how that goes.

About three weeks ago I stopped taking my antidepressants because they were making me gain too much weight.  I was so sad to stop taking them because they helped me so much.  Since I started taking them I have had a lot more energy, and I have slept through the night so much more often.  The first two weeks were really hard.  I had no energy, and it messed with my emotions.  I felt sad and anxious like crazy!  Thankfully, those withdrawal symptoms are gone now, and I feel a lot better emotionally, but I still haven't gained back any energy.  I'm hoping that once my vitamin D levels go up that will change.

Here's some awesome news! I tried using some compression stockings to help with my low blood pressure, and I am seriously in love with them.  They are amazing!  Basically they look like leggings, but they are super tight.  They squeeze my legs to keep my blood circulating.  It has really helped me not feel lightheaded because the blood can make it up to my brain instead of pooling in my legs.  It has honestly made a world of difference.  So it looks like I will be wearing skirts all summer so I can wear them.  I would look super weird wearing leggings with shorts, and jeans would just be way too hot.  Good thing I love skirts!!

Time for the most amazing news of all: Essential Oils.  K, I am completely in love with these.  I had always heard of essential oils, but I just thought they were random smells that would help you calm down or focus or something.  My friend asked me if I wanted to try some so I did.  I figured it couldn't hurt, and nothing else has really helped. I don't even know how to explain how in love with them I am!!  There are oils for every problem you ever had.  I use them for headaches, nausea, sinuses, muscle pain, fatigue, low blood pressure, and there are even oils that fight viruses like the Epstein-Barr Virus which is what I have.  I will probably do a separate post just on these I love them so much.

Another amazing thing that has helped is that i have started eating only natural foods.  I have never been one to really care what I put in my body because I never had a problem before.  I was always super active, never had a problem with weight or energy, and I was fine with eating junk food and processed foods because I thought they didn't affect me negatively.  It has only been a week or two since I have started eating only natural foods, and I am amazed with the difference.  I have so much more energy, and I don't get that crash that I usually get after eating fried, fatty, sugary, or processed foods.  Honestly, I am amazed that it has made such a difference because I have been eating healthy for the past two years especially, but it didn't help at all.  I will probably talk about this again later because I am so amazed.

For the update on what's going on in our lives: Nick and I got a puppy!!! She's not exactly a puppy, but she acts just like one.  She is 8 months old.  She is so sweet, and she's scared of everything and everyone.  Best part of all is that she is potty trained!!!  Thank goodness for that.  We have only had her for 4 days now, but she has made a huge difference in my life.  I'm not so lonely all day, and she gives me something to focus on instead of how I'm feeling.  I love it.

Nick isn't taking any classes this summer, he is just working.  He got a full time job working with computers which is what he loves so it's perfect!! He starts that job on Monday.  He will be keeping his part time computer job that he had this semester, too, so he will be very busy.  I am just focusing on trying to get better so that I can take a class in the fall.  I only have 4 classes left until I graduate!! I'm just dying to finish them!  So that's what I will be focusing on all summer.  Also, I mentioned awhile ago that I am waiting to get into the CFS and Fibromyalgia specialist up in Salt Lake, and I think I will get in soon!  They said the wait is 2-3 months, and it's been about two months now.  I can't wait to meet her!  We are also moving to a new apartment on May 8th.  I love it so much.  I will post pics of it after we move in.  It is just on the other side of campus so we're not moving far.  I hope you all have a great weekend and enjoy the sun that finally came out!!

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